HBO got hacked and some Game of Thrones materials are bubbling up online

HBO got hacked and some Game of Thrones materials are bubbling up online

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HBO is confirmed that, it was the target of a hack and it doesn’t know yet how much damage has been done. This statement was released by HBO to Entertainment Weekly.The HBO series Room 104 and Ballers have trickled out online. Similarly, the Game of Thrones has also faced the effects of this hack, it was yet to surface though. All the HBO employees were notified regarding the hack on Monday morning. Almost 1.5 terabytes of the HBO data has gone hacked, because of this leak. Whereas the hackers claim that further leak is still in the process.

The CEO Richard Plepler:

In an email published by the CEO of HBO, Richard Plepler which was published by Entertainment Weekly, he said that: “As most of you have probably heard by now, there has been a cyber incident directed at the company which has resulted in some stolen proprietary information, including some of our programming. Any intrusion of this nature is obviously disruptive, unsettling, and disturbing for all of us. I can assure you that senior leadership and our extraordinary technology team, along with outside experts, are working round the clock to protect our collective interests.” After the major hack to Sony back in 2014, all the entertainment companies are yet in a jittery position regarding this issue. Even after so much secrecy, private vast rooms and scale of production, it’s still a wonder to know how these hacks are done to pop up the content online.

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