“WannaCry Hero” arrested by FBI for alleged role in Kronos Banking Malware

“WannaCry Hero” arrested by FBI for alleged role in Kronos Banking Malware

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Marcus Hutchins, who was previously hailed as a hero, the malware researcher has been arrested by the FBI. He was said to be involved in distributing a banking malware called Kronos. Marcus Hutchins, who was also known as @malwaretechblog was leaving for the Def Con hacking conference in Las Vegas when he was detained and then arrested by the FBI bureau at the Airport.

Role in Stopping WannaCry Malware:

Hutchins, who is 23 years old has played a pivotal and unlikely role in controlling the spread of the malware called WannaCry. He had discovered the functional domain kill switch for WannaCry malware. After his achievement he was regarded as a Hero in the tech research industry.

Why is he arrested?

The FBI said that Marcus had played his role in the development of a malware that steal the banking and credit card credentials. This hacking and credential stealing started in 2014. However FBI has arrested Marcus, there are still clarifications and answers needed on his role in the generation of Kronos Banking Malware. If Marcus is really involved in the creation of this malware then what kind of charges would be imposed on him, there is still no news about it. However, it is really something to watch if he had really done something in the creation of this malware or not. A lot of things are uncertain and yet to be clarified in this regards though. The tech and cyber folks, all are looking anxiously at this matter.

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