Another ‘Game of Thrones’ Episode Leaked Early!

Another ‘Game of Thrones’ Episode Leaked Early!

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It seems like the HBO international partners and affiliates need to take special care from now onwards. In the last couple of weeks, it’s the second time an episode of the “game of thrones” was released early. And for the second time the culprit behind the release before official airing was one of their partners.

Episode 6 Leak:

The latest episode 6, which was supposed to be aired on 20th August, Sunday, has hit the torrents, days before the official airing on Sunday. The culprits this time behind this accident were the HBO Nordic and HBO España. The HBO also officially released a statement that this leak has nothing to do with the hack happened in July, there was a third party vendor responsible behind the release this time also.

Earlier Leak of Episode 4:

The 4th episode of the “game of thrones” was also leaked and released early in the wild. That leak had also no connection with the earlier hack which happened in July. The culprit behind that release were the distributor partner of HBO from India, Star India. The four employees of the Star India who had access to the episode 4 were arrested in this case for investigations. The latest leak of the episode 6 also looks like an unintentional error. The earlier comments of the HBO officials in this regard certainly show that it all happened unintentionally. But whatever the real reason behind the leaks is, HBO needs to take some strict steps to avoid the release of its shows way before official airing.

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