The World’s First “Smart Train”

The World’s First “Smart Train”

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China has just introduced world’s first ever smart train system. This train system has been introduced in the city of Zhuzhou. China just took the first initiative and step in this regards. It has now the privilege of being known as the first country that has launched “Smart Trains”.

Features and Capabilities:

This train has the capacity of carrying 300 passengers at a time. Moreover, it will be travelling on the virtual rail lines. An Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit (ARRT) system is fitted in these trains. These ARRT systems will provide the train travel data which is needed for the train’s journey. The pavements on the road are made up of dotted lines, which will be assisting the train to follow its route. The maximum speed these trains can achieve is 43 Mph.

Engineer’s Thoughts:

The engineers say that these trains are a combo of the bus and tram at the same time. But the difference is these smart trains don’t need a railway track for their journey. Instead, they can move on the virtual railway paths being made for them. These virtual tracks are less costly. So, they have helped us get rid of the need of separate tracks and subway paths. The engineers believe, this smart train system will help four million people of the Zhuzhou. It will bring ease and comfort for them and their daily routine transportation needs will be fulfilled in a better way.

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