Arianna Huffington’s New Humblebrag App

Arianna Huffington’s New Humblebrag App

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Arianna Huffington has made a partnership with Samsung. In their partnership, they will be creating a new Humblebrag app. This app will allow the users to Humblebrag to their friend and family members by disconnecting the internet connection, at times when they are unreachable.

About The App:

The name of this app is going to be “Thrive”. Whereas, it will be launched in December this year. This app though will exclusively be available only on Samsung devices. Whereas, they could only be downloaded through the Samsung Galaxy Store.

Do Not Disturb Vs Thrive:

There are a lot of other apps already present with toggling the Do Not Disturb button on your Samsung device. Whereas, the Thrive app can schedule the times for the disconnection of the internet network. Apart from that, you also have the privilege of white-listing people, notifications that can reach you during a specific schedule, although others won’t be able to. Those who are not on your Thrive list or in your contacts can’t reach you during that specific schedule. A message would be generated to inform them that you are “Thriving”

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