Uber UK Drivers Will Have to Take Breaks After 10 Hours Shift

Uber UK Drivers Will Have to Take Breaks After 10 Hours Shift

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As per the New Uber Policy, it will be mandatory for drivers to take a break of at least six hours after working for a constant shift of 10 hours. This policy will be implemented from the beginning of the next week. One can’t consider these the friendly warnings because during the rest period drivers won’t be able to log into their app and accept the rides. Means, when you have been driving for 10 hours on Uber, you are supposed to take rest of at least 6 hours. During the breather time, you won’t have the privilege of logging-in to the app or accept any ride.

Why is New Policy introduced?

The Uber’s head of policy Andrew Byrne said that: “While drivers only spend an average of 30 hours a week logged into our app, we want to do our part to ensure they don’t drive tired, That’s why we’ve been sending drivers regular reminders to take rest breaks and why we’re now bringing in these new limits,” The reason behind implementing this rule is to make sure that drivers take rest when feeling tired and exhausted. It will nullify all the risks of possible accidents as well. So, that’s a good policy which will minimize the chances of accident to a considerable extent.

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