Amazon Fresh Shutting Down in some Areas

Amazon Fresh Shutting Down in some Areas

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In almost nine states around the country, Amazon is about to shut down its grocery delivery service. It’s literally about to pull the plug on Fresh. So if you are residing in the different parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and California, then you are out of luck and sooner you wouldn’t be able to use this service anymore.

When it’s going to shut down?

At the moment the immediate shut down isn’t occurring. It has been said that this service would be dismissed from 1st December this year. A user from San Francisco said that when he visited Amazon Fresh recently. A notification came along that “the service will be longer be available in your zip code”. Later on when the user contacted Amazon, they were not able to comment about that notification clearly. It seems like it is not yet completely clear and certain, which states would get affected by this shutdown. So, if you are also residing in one of the states mentioned above, you may call Amazon Fresh to inquire if your area would get affected or remain safe from the shutdown of Amazon Fresh.

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