Essential Phone begins shipping to customers

Essential Phone begins shipping to customers

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Last week the reviewers and the media got Essential Phones for testing. Now, the shipping of Essential Phones to the customers has started as well. The proper delivery news has been announced on Twitter this weekend. The Twitter post stated that the Essential phone’s proper shipping to the buyers has started as well. All those buyers who have already placed their orders online shall track the info forwarded to them via email.
The customers who have pre-registered for this phone have started receiving emails last week. In the emails they have been requested to provide their shipping information and make the final payments, so their devices are then shipped to them.

About the Essential Phone:

The makers of the Andy Rubin founded smartphone are selling their devices directly through their website. The price of the unlocked phone is $699. The unlocked phones will openly work in the U.S and Canada with any major carrier from the respected countries.
The Essential first of all revealed that it will be shipping its devices within 30 days in late May. But since, it doesn’t meet the target. That’s why, later-on it remained quiet on any shipping timelines. The first shipping would be made to the first and early brand buyers. After that one by one every other buyer would be entertained with the shipping of the Essential Smartphone Device.

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