Instagram Could Let You Follow Hashtags!

Instagram Could Let You Follow Hashtags!

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It seems like Instagram is now up to include Hashtags in its apps very soon. It was spotted by PippaAkram and The Next Web that some of the users were able to make use of this feature in their Instagram app after the latest update. They were basically able to search for a hashtag and also follow a hashtag in particular.Instagram seemed to be a very carefully curated community. All the weird accounts, funny posts and the niche content could be seen at the very bottom of your feed. Certainly, Instagram is completely focused on such content which could produce a lot of engagement. Such as, baby photos, Taylor Swift’s teasers from the new album and the outrageous things. One could say that Instagram is now more like a tiny s.

Final Word:

Instagram is completely focused on introducing the latest features in the app to keep the users engaged and interested. In the social media market, it has become a bit difficult to keep the reputation constant. It is because every social media platform comes up with something trendy and new to attract the users totally. Similarly, now Instagram is going to introduce the new hashtag feature which would certainly play some good role in increasing its user’s engagement even further.

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