Tesla will sell its solar power products at 800 Home Depot stores

Tesla will sell its solar power products at 800 Home Depot stores

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Tesla is trying to make an effort to make its solar power products more visible in the stores. For this particular reason, it will be designating retail space in US Home Depotstores. That’s how they would be able to promote their products more. Tesla is selling Solar Panels, and Powerwall batteries and the latest initiative will help them become more visible in the US. The spaces dedicated to Tesla will have 12 by 7-foot displays with the demonstration of the products.

Retail Spaces at 800 Home Depot Locations

In its efforts to get more visibility, Tesla is about to build its retail spaces at 800 Home Depot locations. On these locations, the company will have its sales representatives who will be explaining the products to the customers. Tesla is also planning to not include the solar roof to its retail spaces in the beginning. The solar roofs preorders started last summer and they might be added to the mini-shops in the future the sources confirmed.

Solar Panel Installation Costs

The installation of the solar panel costs between $10,000 to $30,000, on average. As far as the future prices are concerned, they are expected to rise further after the Trump Administration has announced a 30 percent tariff on the imported panels.

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