Tesla’s Electric Semi Trucks Are Priced Now!

Tesla’s Electric Semi Trucks Are Priced Now!

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From the electric semi to the great fanfare, Tesla has unveiled its new stuff last week. With some of the self-driving capabilities it has also announced a four-motor truck with 500 mile range. The regular versions of the trucks with 300-mile and 500-mile range trucks prices have also been revealed. The cost of the trucks is set to be $150,000 and $180,000 each. As far as the “Founder Series” is concerned, it will cost you $200,000 per truck. But yet Tesla has said that these prices are expected. So this means it provides some wiggle room on the final pricing yet.

Comparison with Long-Haul Trucks:

As far as these announced prices are concerned, if they stick then Tesla has a potentially disruptive offering with semi. Whereas the other long-haul diesel trucks are concerned, they are normally priced around $120,000. Taking about its operation charges, each year it uses to cost tens of thousands of dollars. So that basically is a big and an expensive deal, whereas Tesla’s electric-truck would be a good and fair choice. Its prices are good as compared to the total cost and expenses that other long-haul trucks usually cost.

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