25 Years and 248 days back! The world first ever website went live!

25 Years and 248 days back! The world first ever website went live!

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What a moment that would have been for Berners-Lee who was the first to launch a World Wide Web at CERN. The day was Thursday and history was being made, although the site’s inaugural was not pretty much public in true sense when it flickered and went live on CERN on Thursday 20th December 1990 and that was not going to happen until  August 1991 simply because the website was not offering too much. It was more of an explanatory effort that offered the mechanics of how to work on hypertext-based projects.
first website   It won’t be wrong to say that despite of the plain nature that the web page had yet it was the first and bold step towards a never ending journey. A journey that was about to and have changed the overall approach towards many routine practices as it set the tone for much of the Internet as we know it today. Even in a mature world today, you will come across people who still are of the view or think that web is the Internet.
Are you thinking about the creator, as in where is he now? Well, Berners-Lee is ever so active and tightly involved in the same domain of efforts as he ever was; keen to direct the WWW association that was created by him. The thrust from him in fact, is harder than ever to secure the web against concerned government expurgation as well as telecom's’ endeavors so as to hit net objectivity.  When we look at the role played by CERN over the years, it seems somewhat altered. It seems to known for smashing particles at the same time as it is involved in network study.
Web itself can be classified as the lone point in common. The span exceeds that idea of just a set of documents; to be realistic it is more of a platform that is actively available on almost all devices that are compatible with it, i.e. a Smartphone that is sitting in your pocket to a laptop or PC. The core essence however remains the same; it is crucial, vibrant tool that allows you to share data of any kind all over the globe. Except for surprises, one will likely by browsing and surfing the Web by the time when this first ever website hits it 50th birthday. However by then the web design and development approaches will be far more different to what we had back in 1990 and even today.

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