Twitter has an un-launched tweet-storm feature

Twitter has an un-launched tweet-storm feature

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You can chain up your tweets to shape them into a tweetstorm, which is the latest feature of Twitter but it’s influenced yet. This feature might look cool in imagination or by seeing the screenshots, but it needs a good knowhow making it happen rightly. In the current Android app, there is a way to compose your tweetstorm. It will look like broken distinct tweets. Once you have composed, you can tweet them all at once.Image 1 Image 2So by initializing the tweetstorm feature in the Graphical User Interface, you can see how the tweetstorm is expanded into different tweets one by one. You can have a look what you have written in previous tweet and what you should write in the next one. Actually, all the tweets of the tweetstorm are on one single page until you post them. So, that’s a really cool feature which might make things even better for the Twitter.

About Tweetstorm Feature:

The reports revealed that this feature was the Twitter power user trick since 2014. But yet Twitter hasn’t been able to launch this and the reason is the insufficient user growth. The Twitter kept on simplifying itself in other better ways. Such as dropping the media embeds or the usernames in replies from the character count. Now the launch of one more tweetstorm button can remove another confusing block which is dividing Twitter from the mainstream.  

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