Bozoma Saint John, the Apple Music Executive Could possibly leave Apple

Bozoma Saint John, the Apple Music Executive Could possibly leave Apple

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You might remember Bozoma Saint John, who is the Apple Music executive. The one and only reason to remember her, are Bozoma's presentation skills which are insanely excellent. She literally blew away everyone with them. The new report of the Axios revealed that she might be leaving the company really soon.

Demo of Apple’s Music Streaming Service new User Interface:

Bozoma Saint was working at Apple, as a Global Consumer Marketing head for Apple Music. It was last year when the company completely redesigned its music streaming service. That was where Bozoma come to the stage to present the demo of the new user interface.

Apple Leadership and Bozoma:

When we look around the leadership page of Apple, we would find most of them white and male. Saint John is the only one, who is a charismatic female among the whole leadership. There is an important need of such big role models to enter the tech market.

Bozoma after Apple acquired Beats:

When Beats was acquired by Apple some months ago, she joined it. After that Saint John kept on working forth and back at Apple. She flew on and off to Los Angeles and Cupertino where she worked on the marketing of Apple Music.

Why is Bozoma Leaving Apple? Where is she going to work next?

There are no clues whatsoever, why Bozoma could leave Apple and where is she going to work next? But it’s sure that we could find a news about her next destination in her professional career on her Twitter, if she left Apple.

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