Google now will stop scanning Gmail inboxes for ad personalization

Google now will stop scanning Gmail inboxes for ad personalization

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Google has just announced that it will not be scanning the Gmail’s free user’s inboxes for the purpose of ad personalization. It has been revealed that the scanning of the user’s inboxes will stop this year.

Gmail Business Account Holders:

Google is already not scanning the inboxes of the Business account holders, who are subscribers of the G Suite services. However, the accounts of the free users were scanned up till now for the better ads target. But now the inboxes of the free users are also going to remain un-scanned.

VP of Google Cloud:

The VP of the Google Cloud, Diane Greene revealed about this decision of the company in the following way. She said this decision “brings Gmail ads in line with how we personalize ads for other Google products.” Google definitely won’t stop ads showing in Gmail. Though, it said it won’t be scanning the Gmail inboxes anymore, but there is not much appealing as the company already knows a lot about its users. So if it scans the inboxes or not, doesn’t make a big difference now.

Google's Goodness Gesture:

This can be believed as a gesture of goodness from the Google, as it’s not going to scan the Gmail inboxes anymore. This call also shows that the company now has the data which it requires to show the advertising, so it has announced that it wouldn’t be scanning the inboxes for this purpose anymore. The Gmail’s growth doesn’t seem to be hampered and effected in any means, even though it has been scanning the inboxes of the free users up till now. It now has 1.2 Billion users, which is quite a significant number and a big success. Google has just announced that it will not be scanning the Gmail’s free user’s inboxes for the purpose of ad personalization. It has been revealed that the scanning of the user’s inboxes will stop this year.

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