Google Play will now down rank poorly performing apps

Google Play will now down rank poorly performing apps

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Google has recently announced that it will be ranking the apps on the basis of its quality and performance. Those apps which have issues and bugs, who drains your smartphone’s battery would be down ranked in the Google Play Store. That’s how, the quality of the apps would be ensured. Whereas those apps which have bugs, they crash and drain your battery would mandatorily need to work out to fix these bugs.

Latest and New Algorithms Applied to Play Store

Now Google Play Store will be working according to the new algorithm that’s being applied. Those apps which perform better and have a great user experience without any bugs won’t be in the top ranking any more. They would be pushed down according to their performance criteria. The basic aim is to provide rewards to the apps that are good and benefits the users without creating troubles for them. Another reason is to keep the quality up and get rid of the under-performing apps. This way the applications would be able to gain their deserved positioning according to their quality. Those apps that are continuously receiving bad reviews and low stars would get effected from this algorithm. Now the app developers would need to keep care of very minor things as well to ensure they don’t get penalized by Google in any means. The Play Store sooner will be completely free of the buggy and bad quality applications.

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