Google will now Show Reviews in your pre-set language via Automated Translation

Google will now Show Reviews in your pre-set language via Automated Translation

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The Google reviews are really helpful in clarifying you about a Bar, Restaurant’s or a Shopping Mall services. When you search for a specific service or product in the Google Search Bar, it also shows you the reviews of the people about it. This feature helps the user to either go for a service or not.Recently, Google said that users would be able to see the reviews in their own languages which they have set on their phones. Before the induction of this feature, users were only able to see reviews in the language they have been posted.

Reviews Translated in Native Languages:

But, now those reviews will be translated into the native languages which a user has set on his mobile phone. It will save their time, as they won’t need to copy paste a review in google translator to understand it. Google said that this feature will be made available in Google Products, Search and Maps. Thus, the users would be able to see the reviews and comments related to any product and service in their own languages.

Bringing Ease and Comfortability:

The users would also be able to see the original review, as well as the translated version of the review. This feature is now supposed to make a real impact in the world as it would make things easy and too much convenient. There would be no need to copy paste the review in google translator to understand.    

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