Instagram Introduces the Reversible Archive option in place of Deletion

Instagram Introduces the Reversible Archive option in place of Deletion

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When you are not getting enough number of likes on your Instagram post then what would you do? You simply would delete and get rid of such a post. But sometimes this action also makes you regret your decision. But no worries, Instagram has now brought a new awesome feature in place of it.

Archive instead of Deleting:

Instead of deleting your post, you would be able to "Archive" your that post which you don’t like. This will help you hide your post from your timeline. The best part of this feature is that, you would be able to live your post whenever you want. The Instagram revealed that it was tipped with this feature by Matt Navarra and now Instagram is testing this feature.

Sayings of the Spokesperson of Instagram:

The Spokesperson said that “We’re always testing new ways to improve the Instagram experience”. The private space is created when a user archives a specific post. But it’s also viewable to him in the archive section.

Further Iterations in the Archive feature:

The company said that, it’s still working further to bring further iteration in this feature to make it available for the users with even better experience. So this is a good addition to the Instagram, as the users can simply archive their unwanted posts instead of deleting them permanently.  

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