Nura’s Adaptive Technology Now in Bluetooth Earbuds

Nura’s Adaptive Technology Now in Bluetooth Earbuds

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The Nuraphones was quite something with their adaptive noise technology. They were probably on everyone's  "Favourites 2017" list which is why it was exciting to see a followup by the Australian startup at the CES.
Having incorporated the same technology in earbuds, The NuraLoop appears to be the next big step for the company! Where the older ones had earbuds, within the on-air headphones, the new ones involve the buds doing all the work whereas the cups are responsible for the provision of additional bass.
The main setup remains the same as over the ear models, where the app takes an image of your unique hearing profile and then tweaks the sound of the phones accordingly. The design is a bit different than the larger models so you may need to get used to it!
Users can interact with the device externally with the use of touch control. Users can choose from Wireless and wired models,  where the wireless ones offer longer battery life.
All we can do at the moment is take Nura's word for all of it because the prototype is set to be revealed later this week whereas the final version will be shipped by May and will cost about half the price for the larger models! What more do we want!