One Of The Biggest Mysteries About Formation Of Black Holes Has Been Solved

One Of The Biggest Mysteries About Formation Of Black Holes Has Been Solved

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The mystery has solved:-

Astronomers have finally solved the mystery about the black holes that have appeared after the evolution of the earth.

Years took to form:-

Astronomers believe that black holes take billion years to form.

How many of them have spotted?

20 black holes were spotted during the evolution of the earth.

Team of experts:-

Experts from different universities have gathered to solve the unsolved mystery. These universities include
  • Columbia University
  • Dublin City University
  • University of Helsinki
  • Georgia Tech


The experts have published a report by saying that black holes can produce rapidly if its galaxy stops making stars. If the galaxy doesn’t form stars then it collapses and creates the black holes. These holes engulf dust, dying stars, dust and other black holes to become equal to the size of a million suns.

Columbia University professor’s report:-

Columbia University professor, Zoltan Haiman said that the formation of million black holes and galaxy is done in 100,000 years. He further said that it has developed into a billion solar mass black holes after few hundred million years later. The process is done rapidly.

Now, how to stop the formation of stars?

Bright galaxy stops stars formation by emitting radiation that can divide molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen. This division stops stars to grow in the galaxy.

Massive galaxy:-

The report also states that if the galaxy is 100 million times massive than the sun, then it stops star formation. The experts found that the nearest galaxy could be closer and smaller in size than the former.

Georgia Tech university professor’s report:-

Georgia Tech university professor, John Wise said that the nearby galaxy can’t be too close and too far.

More research:-

The answers to the following questions are required:
  • How these early black holes formed?
  • How the black holes that grow with merging with million small black holes are formed.
The answers can be found after further research.

Report by Professor Regan:-

Professor Regan said that if we able to understand how black holes were formed, then we can clearly understand the evolution of the earth.    

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