Robot Bees Can Now Dive In and Out of Water

Robot Bees Can Now Dive In and Out of Water

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The Robot Bees, is a project of the Harvard, which was first revealed in 2013. It has certainly evolved a lot over the years since its launch. At the beginning these Robot Bees were not able to take off or fly. But now they have been modified and designed in a manner, so that they can stick to the surfaces, fly in the air and swim under the water as well.

Latest Feature:

Another extra feature that has been achieved and made possible in these Robot Bees is, they can dive in and out of the water. This certainly is one of the biggest achievements of all time for the project owners.

Complete Features:

  • These Robot Bees can take off and fly.
  • Can also stick to the surfaces.
  • Can fly in the air.
  • Are able to swim under the water.
  • They are able to dive into the water.
  • Also, they can dive out of the water. That is a great success by the way.

About Robot Bees:

For the human beings, it is pretty easy to get out of the water. But, when it’s about the small objects as small as insects, it is a quite a challenging task for them to be honest. Talking about the Robot Bees, they are just 175 milligrams in weight. This means they are 14 times lighter than a cent. So, this means the tension and the gravity force applying on such a tiny robot would feel like an impenetrable wall.

How Dive In and Out is Made Work Perfectly?

To solve the problem of diving in and out of the water, for the extra light Robot Bee; it was outfitted with the combustible rocket. This Rocket provides the robot an oomph, which is required to break the tension of the water surface. There is a gas filled chamber inside the RobotBee’s interior. It is lit by an internal spark which helps the RobotBee to shoot outside the water in a woosh.

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