WannaCry Ransomware is Still Spreading At A Rapid Pace

WannaCry Ransomware is Still Spreading At A Rapid Pace

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The ransomware called “WannaCry sweep the world” hasn't yet stopped. But somehow, the cyber security professionals have been able to take some actions to limit its damage. Now, when this ransomware goes by, less damage is being done.So this way the damage has been brought down to a great extent. Now, it is difficult for the ransomware WannaCry to make its damaging impact though.

The “Killer Switch”

Accidentally a “Kill Switch” was discovered. However, it doesn’t play any part in stopping this ransomware from spreading, but somehow it does stop the activation of the code which plays its role to ransom your data. At a check-point, the WannaCry ransomware’s new variation was found. It was observed to be using a different type of kill switch domain. It uses to ping the domain and if it finds it to be unregistered, then it gets to activate the ransomware. What is the benefit of doing so? Well, the researchers get pinged when any ransomware infects a computer. That’s the real and main benefit they get to deal with the ransomware.

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