What’s Different in BumbleBizz?

What’s Different in BumbleBizz?

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A year ago, it was reported that Bumble is going to launch BumbleBizz really soon. It is a networking tool with swipe feature which allows you to connect with the professionals just like LinkedIn.The new feature is only going to roll out today for the users in US, UK, Germany, France and Canada. Later on, this feature will further extend gradually all across the world. How will it work? The Bumb ...

Heetch raises $12 million to reboot its ride sharing service

Heetch raises $12 million to reboot its ride sharing service

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Heetch is a French Startup and it’s been around for quite a few years now. Everything was going well for the company but it had to begin almost from the scratch again. Heetch was ruled-out operating illegally as a transportation company by the court in Paris, in March 2017. So the company is now raising funds of $12 million from Felix Capital, via ID and Alven Capital to begin its services from ...

American Airlines Team Up With Casper!

American Airlines Team Up With Casper!

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The American Airlines and Casper are making a new partnership now. American Airlines will be providing the sleeping products of the Casper brand. It will help the passengers who face trouble while sleeping during flights. The idea is to help such people sleep well during flights.It’s not if both of them are planning to fit the mattresses of the Casper brand in the planes. They have actually work ...

What’s New in Fire TV From Amazon

What’s New in Fire TV From Amazon

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The last upgrade launched by Amazon Fire TV was way back in 2015. It was quite a long ago, considering the era we are living in. The upgrades and new features are being launched pretty rapidly everywhere else, and Amazon hasn’t been able to put an upgrade since 2015. But now Amazon has also just launched new upgrades for its Fire TV box. The Upgrades: In the Seattle today, Amazon has just anno ...

Google suddenly removes YouTube access from the Amazon Echo Show

Google suddenly removes YouTube access from the Amazon Echo Show

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Amazon doesn’t seem to be very happy, as Google has just pulled out the video service from the smart speaker this afternoon. Everything happened so quickly and as a surprise. It is also being said that no pre-warnings were given to the Echo owners at all. Amazon Spokesperson: The Amazon spokesperson also confirmed this statement and said it came-up as a big surprise for us. Google made a ch ...

Instagram now has 800 million monthly and 500 million daily active users

Instagram now has 800 million monthly and 500 million daily active users

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In just a single month since the last reported figure, the Instagram App has added 100 million new monthly active users. Instagram has been growing at a rapid pace. At the moment it has 800 million users who are using the app on at least a monthly basis. The latest figures were revealed by the company in an event in NYC. The figures also suggested that 500 million users use Instagram on a daily ba ...