Essential Phone begins shipping to customers

Essential Phone begins shipping to customers

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Last week the reviewers and the media got Essential Phones for testing. Now, the shipping of Essential Phones to the customers has started as well. The proper delivery news has been announced on Twitter this weekend. The Twitter post stated that the Essential phone’s proper shipping to the buyers has started as well. All those buyers who have already placed their orders online shall track the in ...

Apple looking to price its next iPhone at $999

Apple looking to price its next iPhone at $999

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A report was published in the New York Times earlier today. The report suggested that the iPhones new high-end bezel-less model is going to get a bump in pricing. Its starting price is going to set at $999. This is going to be a quite significant rise up till now, considering all the past models.The current generation iPhones start at $649 when we talk about the price of the iPhone 7. Whereas, the ...

Hulu adds Live TV to Xbox 360

Hulu adds Live TV to Xbox 360

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From now onwards, the Hulu’s Live TV service would be supported in Xbox 360. Earlier this May, a very highly anticipated streaming service was launched by Hulu. This service provides access to the live television. Alongside that, one can also access the original and streaming content library of the Hulu. The charges charged for this service though, are just under $40 per month. Streaming Device ...

Another ‘Game of Thrones’ Episode Leaked Early!

Another ‘Game of Thrones’ Episode Leaked Early!

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It seems like the HBO international partners and affiliates need to take special care from now onwards. In the last couple of weeks, it’s the second time an episode of the “game of thrones” was released early. And for the second time the culprit behind the release before official airing was one of their partners. Episode 6 Leak: The latest episode 6, which was supposed to be aired on 20th ...

Wal-Mart takes a cue from Amazon and applies for its own drone-deploying blimp patent

Wal-Mart takes a cue from Amazon and applies for its own drone-deploying blimp patent

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Wal-Mart seems to be moving ahead in a copycat fashion, as it is looking forward to start a drone delivery service. Taking the idea from Amazon, it is applying for the drone-deploying blimp patent.You would remember that about a year ago, Amazon filed for a flying patent to start its own flying warehouse. The aim behind it was to deliver products more quickly using the drone delivery service. But ...

A new Nest thermostat might be on the way

A new Nest thermostat might be on the way

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Owned by the Alphabet, Nest has taken some choices in the IoT space. These choices are pretty safe ones which will be helpful in building products which rely on the internet connectedness to function. Nest Learning Thermostat, which is their most recognizable product hasn’t got any cosmetic upgrades since it was launched six years ago. It definitely received some tweaks in the hardware to make t ...