Arianna Huffington’s New Humblebrag App

Arianna Huffington’s New Humblebrag App

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Arianna Huffington has made a partnership with Samsung. In their partnership, they will be creating a new Humblebrag app. This app will allow the users to Humblebrag to their friend and family members by disconnecting the internet connection, at times when they are unreachable. About The App: The name of this app is going to be “Thrive”. Whereas, it will be launched in December this year. Th ...

New Aibo Robot Dog by Sony

New Aibo Robot Dog by Sony

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The AIBO is back, these are the latest rumors coming out. Sony has remained away for more than a decade from the production of its own iconic robot pet brand. But now it will be resurrecting its robot per brand with a brand new model “Aibo” ERS-1000. AIBO Robot: It is being claimed by Sony that the new Aibo robot will have a strong emotional bond with the members of the household. It will pr ...

Skype New Mobile Design Launched

Skype New Mobile Design Launched

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The mobile interface changes of Skype were under testing phase for the desktop versions for a while now. These changes were rolled over to the Mac and Windows users today. The redesign of Skype on mobile launched in June but its feedback was not really positive. Since then, Microsoft has made some tweaks to it, to improve its user experience. Now the Microsoft has brought these changes to the desk ...

The World’s First “Smart Train”

The World’s First “Smart Train”

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China has just introduced world’s first ever smart train system. This train system has been introduced in the city of Zhuzhou. China just took the first initiative and step in this regards. It has now the privilege of being known as the first country that has launched “Smart Trains”. Features and Capabilities: This train has the capacity of carrying 300 passengers at a time. Moreover, it w ...

WhatsApp Latest Feature “Delete For Everyone”

WhatsApp Latest Feature “Delete For Everyone”

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From now onward you have got the back of WhatsApp. Yes, now you can delete any particular message which you have sent to the wrong person or in a wrong group. The Facebook-owned most popular app has 1 billion plus users. It will now allow the users to delete any message that they sent by mistake to a wrong person or in a wrong chat group.Previously, the users were able to delete their message, but ...

Robot Bees Can Now Dive In and Out of Water

Robot Bees Can Now Dive In and Out of Water

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The Robot Bees, is a project of the Harvard, which was first revealed in 2013. It has certainly evolved a lot over the years since its launch. At the beginning these Robot Bees were not able to take off or fly. But now they have been modified and designed in a manner, so that they can stick to the surfaces, fly in the air and swim under the water as well. Latest Feature: Another extra feature th ...