It seems that the Trump administration is focusing on forward and one step back strategy regarding its dispute with China over trades. It is evident from the fact that it has banned Huawei to buy USA technology that forced various technology manufacturers, including Google, to hinder its business relationships with Huawei and other Chinese telecom services providers. Learn more about Huawei is ...
READ MORE →The news that Google is going to end a few of its business ventures with Huawei is stirring higher concerns among Huawei users. The business that is expected to be stopped can be anything such as hardware or software. The bad news is that the Android license is halted with an immediate effect. Huawei users across the globe are shocked owing to the reason that how all this can end in a whim wh ...
READ MORE →In Information Security, Artificial Intelligence can risk the Skynet image! The reason is it can, make prompt decisions, protect more businesses from cyber-attacks, and wisely analyze more data than you can ever imagine. Under such circumstances, a man hardly needs to run security programs by himself and make complex security decisions. It’s because today, artificial intelligence performs all ...
READ MORE →Twitter plays with new labelling – Author, Mentioned, Following, forgets the major concerns Twitter’s top-most concern these days, is to make conversations easier to follow for Tweet-lovers. For this purpose, the authorities have recently analyzed labeling responses for highlighting the ones from the ‘original’ Tweeter site. It means the new test will show when the first us ...
READ MORE →Digital security researchers reveal that over 540 million Facebook user records were placed on public storage servers. Apparently, it happened by accident. According to the researchers at UpGaurd, a digital security firm, double batches of Facebook records were uncovered and taken from two (different) third-party firms. Involved Firms In the press release, the firm announces that ...
READ MORE →The biggest news of the week Samsung attempted to announce a breakthrough but to no avail. The innovation failed to wow the users. Do you know why? The so-called ‘new trendsetting’ devices’ screens broke the day reviewers received their smartphones! Some of the incidents happened because the company did not alert the users that the ‘protective layer’ was NOT removable at all. A ...